Giuseppe Solinas
9 min readJun 23, 2018

Elpis Investments is creating the first Artificial Intelligence-driven asset management company, that will be capable of managing both traditional and crypto assets. Elpis Investments system is based on the latest technologies in the field of Artificial Intelligence, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, that we are leveraging to increase the performances of our strategies, while lowering costs and risks for our investing clients. Our AI-driven asset management system is oriented towards those investors that were so far very often unable to access the investing experience, because of the high barriers built by the closed, and rather inaccessible, traditional financial world.

We feel that “leveraging technologies is both an opportunity and a moral choice, if the goal of financial products is to bring returns to investors, rather than keep enabling an unfair and uncontrasted control of financial institutions” and the gains of the usual suspects. At Elpis Investments we are developing our technology in order to offer investing opportunities to a broader audience of potential investors, that includes both professional and institutional investors and retail clients. Also, in order to be as transparent as possible in doing so, Elpis Investments is implementing blockchain technologies into its system, to publicly audit its trading activities.


Elpis Investments is a new kind of asset management company for the future of investing. But, as we all know, in the FinTech sector the word “new” is thrown around a lot, very often only to beautify stuff that is not really there, and never will be. Elpis Investments is nothing like that: Elpis Investments represents a project with actual, solid ideas and highly talented and motivated individuals, working relentlessly in the development of a unique hybrid investment company, that uses a proprietary AI-based system to effectively anticipate market moves when executing investment strategies both in assets and in cryptocurrencies.

Elpis Investments is launching a completely renovated website, at elpisinvestments.com, where it is actually possible to get to know us better, to explore the mix of solid financial expertise with the fresh, revolutionary approach that characterises our unique team of diverse individuals, united by a common dream. If it is true that “We are such stuff, As dreams are made on,” our company is made by the stuff of a big one: shaping the future together with ambitious investors who believe that great ideas, innovation, transparency, and fairness are the keys to succeed in the new era of investing.


Elpis Investments system brings to those investors a unique way of participating in wealth opportunities that new markets and economies offer, without the obligation to be a subject matter expert. Mathematical algorithms are constantly working 24/7 to lower the risk and keep the best tradeoff with rewards, in a completely automated technology-driven trading tech that executes tailored, transparent and efficient investment strategies.

Elpis Investments core business is innovation: we are part of a new wave of FinTech startups that are taking advantage of disruptive technologies to revolutionise the financial landscape: making it more transparent, efficient and fair. Elpis Investments is working from the very beginning to open up new opportunities, offering its system to a new and larger base of potential investors, giving them the opportunity to participate in the process of leveraging new technologies to bring about an efficient and transparent trading tool.

Elpis Investments decision to launch an Initial Coin Offering was coherent and consistent with the company’s project and vision: the ICO represents for us a remarkable opportunity to be innovative also on the fundraising front, a path that is organic with our business model. And which introduces a more direct and transparent involvement of future token holders. They are given a real opportunity to evaluate the project’s potential, with all they need to build fairly and transparently informed opinions and to decide weather or not to help the project taking off. Elpis will issue its own tokens, auctioned in a sale that is accessible to everyone. The token’s proceeds are collected into the Elpis hybrid fund and investors will be part of its inception.


Holding an ELP token means to contribute in helping Elpis Investments in building the fund upon the technology. We will periodically use 20% of our trading profits to buy back and burn ELP tokens from the market, thus increasing the value of the tokens themselves. Contributors will have a 1-year free subscription plan to access our trading signals. Moreover, our clients, both institutional and professional, will be able to use the tokens to pay the fees for our services. Token holders with more than 20 million ELP tokens and meeting eligibility criteria, will be able to ask for the exchange of those tokens with shares of the company.

When at Elpis Investments we made the choice to pursue an Initial Coin Offering as the most viable means to fund our project, we also had to define the characteristics and features of our own ICO. We identified those in the Crypto Elpis ICO, a groundbreaking approach to bypass some of the main criticalities and issues emerged in ICOs’ young history. In fact, Elpis Investments’ token ELP, is backed up by a reasonable value that could be exchanged in the future for the company’s shares if the token holder meets the criteria of eligibility as investor during the private allocation, holding more than 20 million ELPs and passing all KYC/AML requirements. Unlike traditional companies, investors will be able to cash in and out, converting tokens into Bitcoin, Ether and FIAT currencies upon meeting the eligibility criteria.

The Live Algorithmic Trading Signals dashboard will also be accessible to retail clients who don’t own holdings in the company: Elpis Investments trading platform will be free for one year for all retail ELP token holders. Elpis retail clients will be able to connect the signals to their trading machine or broker, linking them to Elpis’s live algorithmic signals.

Thus, retail market or non-institutional/non-professional investors by subscribing to Elpis’ Algorithmic Signals can access a personalised dashboard that can be then automatically integrated with other trading platforms through API.


Elpis Investments goal is to build a company with the technology to manage both traditional and digital assets through an Artificial Intelligence system that will create a balanced portfolio based on the risk’s approach of our clients. Through their own dashboard on Elpis Investments platform, our clients will be able to follow the trading activities of the company and their portfolio on a daily basis.


A classic Initial Coin Offering can be compared to a crowdfunding, a digital crowdsale where a company issues its own tokens, the equivalent of digital certificates, to have an early access to the products or services of the company. The tokens are then auctioned in exchange to cryptocurrencies like (as in Elpis Investments case) Ether, to fund the development of a project, the team working on it and its operations.


In this primitive ICO model, the tokens were considered as an early product access. The launch of Ethereum in 2015 brought about an early shift, introducing the concept of decentralised smart contracts: on the Ethereum blockchain it is possible both to circulate the original tokens and to create tokens with different values and to exchange and trade them. ICOs have moved from here to become a primary source of funding for different kinds of cryptocurrencies related projects and companies.

Anticipating the regulatory issues and the debate towards ICOs regulation, Elpis Investments decided from the very beginning to implement into its model the best practices of Anti-Money Laundering and Know-Your-Customer procedures, as we believe that the most transparent practices can and should be applied by the operators themselves, without the need to wait for national and international regulators to intervene.


Even more: we believe that transparency and fairness are assets to succeed in the financial era we are contributing to shape. Thus, Elpis Investments set in place KYC and AML procedures from the very beginning, before almost everybody else even started to think about it. Elpis Investments clearly states the project’s goals, its framework and milestones, the team that is working on it, giving the potential contributors all the information they need to decide whether to back the project or not at this early ICO stage. Later on, we felt the Swiss FINMA’s initiative regarding ICOs regulation to perfectly suit our innovative vision for more sustainable and fair financial markets, and we decided to embrace it.

The recently created FINMA’s guidelines assess ICOs on the basis of the economic function and purpose of the tokens proposed in each offering, to determine which provisions of the law will apply. The Swiss authority has categorised tokens into three broad groups: payment tokens, utility tokens and asset tokens.


The first category, the payments tokens, consists of cryptocurrencies, with “no further functions or links to other development projects.” The second group consists of utility tokens, that are generally “intended to provide digital access to an application or service” and, as such, do not qualify as securities. The third group, defined as asset tokens, will be subjected to strict securities law requirements, as they will be treated like equities or bonds in the case they pay dividends or interest, or give rights to earnings streams.

According with these definitions and the meaning of securities in Swiss law, the ELP Token is a Utility Token: the features of the ELP Token prove the direct connection between the token holder and the project, with its technology, the future company’s clients and platform’s users, the team working on its development.


Elpis Investments values innovation as the most viable and effective approach to create a solid business. Artificial Intelligence and the blockchain, in our vision, are the keys to offer the market efficient strategies while lowering the risks and costs with fair and transparent fees. The pillars of Elpis Investments project are automation, transparency, efficiency and fairness: our goal is to build a solid business model, involving the contributors in the process.

Elpis Investments is currently undertaking a private allocation of tokens, a pre-sale that is giving early contributors the opportunity to approach our project and buy ELP tokens at discounted values. In July, Elpis ICO is moving to the next level as we are opening it to the public. We believe our solid rock safe-structured and token holder-oriented Public ICO will propel us to continue in developing our innovative AI-driven system, involving who believes in our project’s potential and focusing on our common goals. At Elpis Investments we have a clear purpose in mind: offer our future clients efficient strategies at fair costs. Our strategies are dealing with real market data and already proving to be successful and profitable: a further validation to our efforts and a further proof to future Elpis Investments contributors that we are proposing the market a solid business model, with the potential to be a game-changing experience for a broader audience of investors, from the professionals to the retail clients. With them in mind we will give a new shape to a different financial landscape: more transparent, more fair, more accessible and more efficient.

To join the first Artificial Intelligence-Driven Asset Management Company, check Elpis Investments new website at: elpisinvestments.com, info@elpisinvestments.com

Giuseppe Solinas

Chief Editor of Elpis Investments: medium.com/@elpisinvestments, www.elpisinvestments.com

Originally published at medium.com on June 23, 2018.

